Electrical Safety Audit services in brief
Scope of Work
1. Review of the electrical hazard identification and risk assessment. This may include incoming supply receiving section, electrical equipment installed in building, earthing, cabling, loose cabling, lighting protection, temporary wiring, maintenance condition, electrical fire hazards, shock potential etc.
2. Review of the earthing and lightning protection system implemented to ensure equipment and human safety.
3. To check earth leakage current at the point of supply.
4. To check voltage levels of Phase-Earth, Neutral-Earth, Phase-Neutral at various locations.
5. Review lux levels at various rooms/sections.
6. To record list of connected loads at site and calculate total connected load at the property.
7. Review of the availability & reliability of emergency systems such as DG set, UPS, battery etc.
8. Physical verification of warning signage & labelling on all electrical distribution panels, transformer, and switchgear.
9. Review of the electrical hazard’s identification and risk assessment.
10. To check earth resistance of earth pits.
11. Review of the electrical distribution network & system, emphasizing on adequacy and functionality of protection devices.
12. Review of fire system protection.
13. Submission of final electrical safety audit (ESA) report to the client.